3D / abstraction / Actor / architecture / Arduino / bio / browser / chaos / chemistry / city / code / codekit / creative coding / cybernetic / data / database / determinism / el-wire / electronics / everyday object / exhibition / experiments / feedback / FH-Mainz / Fritzing / furniture / generative / hacking / HS Augsburg / HTML/CSS / installation / interaction / interaction. paper prototyping / interactive / intercultural / interface / interview / JavaScript / kids / kinetic / KISD / Lab3 / light / Lingo / MARS / material / Max/MSP / motion / Node.JS / observation / openFrameworks / order / performance / PHP / physical computing / PointScreen / polytronics / printed circuits / Processing / projection / prototyping / public / reactive / robotics / scenography / school / science / screen / sculpture / self-organizing / Sensor / SensorAktor-Shield / sonification / sound / space / tangible / teaching / tracking / urban / visualization / visuals / VVVV / web / workshop

Code und Material

publication / 2010

Text about Connect plus co-author of one chapter in the book "Code und Material"....more

E-Parrot, abstract object simulating behaviour of a parrot by Jae Sub Lim

Biological Computing

workshop / 2008

One-week workshop in Senones, France....more